Air Quality and the Importance of Ambient Scenting

Air Quality and the Importance of Ambient Scenting
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
air care

Air Quality and the Importance of Ambient Scenting

When was the last time you thought about the scent of your facility? Does it smell fresh and clean, like lemons or fresh, clean laundry? Or is it stale, uninviting and in need of a refresh?

There are many do’s and don’ts when it comes to ambient scenting. Doing so correctly, however, can lead to payoffs more valuable than just a nicely-smelling space.

How to Properly Fragrance your Space

The impact of indoor air quality on the well-being and comfort of a building’s occupants is key to creating an inviting and enjoyable atmosphere. There are two major attributes to consider when determining “good” air quality: 1.) The air should not carry any health risks and 2.) The air should be perceived as pleasant and fresh (Kempski). 

The fragrance itself is important, yes, but so is its strength. The ideal level of fragrance output is between the detection and recognition thresholds. Generally, when scent intensity is increased, the scent is perceived as less pleasant (Olsson & Paulsson). It’s important to be able to smell a scent without being overwhelmed. 

Scent Affects Attitudes and Behaviors Positively

Did you know that scent can directly impact behaviors and attitudes? One study found that “participants exposed to pleasant scents set higher goals…and were more likely to adopt an efficient strategy for performing tasks than those not exposed to the same conditions” (Baron). 

What does this mean for you? Well, if your facility experiences malodors, the behaviors and attitudes of employees, residents or visitors could be impacted negatively. The same goes if there’s no scent at all; scent deprivation is a bit unnatural and many people experience discomfort. On the contrary, spaces with trace amounts of fragrance can lead to happiness and positive behaviors.

How Scent Affects Consumers in a Retail Environment

Not only do fragrances affect mood and behavior, but proper scenting, especially in retail spaces, can benefit businesses greatly. It’s important for retailers to consider their target audience and select an aligning scent. “If the use of a scent is managed properly, it can be associated with, and strengthen, a brand through both recognition and recollection of the signature fragrance. In addition, research has found that olfactory cues in the environment influence consumer response” (Olsson & Paulsson). Customers attribute your brand to a specific scent and vice versa, which will positively impact their consideration of making a purchase due to heightened decision-making abilities.

Why Should I Purchase Products from State®?

State Industrial Products has been in business for more than a century and providing trusted air care solutions for decades. Our heavily-researched Fragrance Method provides additional details regarding scenting and properly fragrancing spaces of all size. Click here to learn more about Why Scent Matters.

Want to Know More About State’s Air Care Solutions?

Let us help make your facility smell its best. Call (877) 747-6986 to be put in contact with your local account manager.


Baron, R. A. (1990). Environmentally Induced Positive Affect: Its Impact on Self-Efficacy, Task Performance, Negotiation, and Conflict1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 20(5), 368-384. doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.1990.tb00417.

Kempski, D. V. (2002). The Use of Olfactory Stimulants to Improve Indoor Air Quality. Journal of the Human-Environment System, 5(2), 61-68. doi:10.1618/jhes.5.61

Olsson, H., & Paulsson, R. (2015). The Scent of a Successful Venue: (In) Congruent Scent and Consumer Attitude towards a Café. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6(5), 232-243. doi:10.30845/ijbss