Drain Maintenance

With decades of experience, State delivers quality commercial and industrial drain care solutions. From stack drains to lift stations, we prevent revenue loss, unsanitary conditions and odors.

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Total Care Solutions

Decades of Excellence in Drain Care Solutions.
Your Partner for Clean and Efficient Facilities.

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What State Can Do for Your Drains

For decades, State has offered top-tier drain care solutions tailored to both commercial and industrial contexts

Our expertise covers a wide spectrum, encompassing stack drains, main lines, and even extending down to the intricate intricacies of lift stations.

For Your Information

  • Grease Traps

    A kitchen grease trap is essential for restaurants and cafeterias. Grease-B-Gone is one of our many options to help maintain your drain and keep grease traps clear. Our program includes a 24/7 automated feed pump and regular on-site check-ins to prevent buildup, clogs, odors, and health violations that could harm your business.

  • Stack Drain Lines

    Taller buildings like office complexes and high-rise apartments rely on vertical stack drain lines to carry wastewater to the municipal sewage system. However, accumulation of biological or inorganic matter can result in slow drains, clogs, odors, and drain flies.

    With a range of drain care options, State addresses these issues comprehensively – from preventative solutions to concentrated drain openers – effectively minimizing the risk of costly repairs.

  • Clogged & Sluggish Drains

    Despite diligent efforts to maintain debris-free drains, accumulation of hair, grease, soap scum, and other materials can occur. When complaints arise, State's range of ready-to-use drain openers, such as Drain Rocket, or others including acid, non-acid, and granular options, serves as your maintenance team's essential tool for ensuring worry-free satisfaction among tenants, residents, and customers.

  • Beverage Machine Drains

    The often-neglected beverage machine drain can lead to significant problems like slime buildup, odors, and drain fly infestations when not properly maintained. Regular upkeep is crucial to ensure customer satisfaction. State provides a range of specialized products designed to tackle these issues in beverage machine drains. These products effectively eliminate drain fly habitats and combat slime clogs. By integrating State solutions into your maintenance routine, you can prevent costly health violations and uphold a superior level of customer contentment.

Educational Videos

Grease-B-Gone - The Right Fit for Your Facility's Drains?

Are Floating Degreasers or Biologicals Right for Your Lift Station?

Educational Articles



Explore Dispensers and Chemicals

24/7 Drain Dosing Station
Programmable Feed Pump
Ecolution Drain Line Maintainer
Grease Trap and Lift Station Maintainer
Odor Destroyer and Drain Maintainer

Explore Products

Please review the Safety Data Sheets for all product direction and regulatory information.



Drain Maintainer and Deodorizer

Orange Buoy

Floating Degreaser and Deodorizer

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Customer Testimonials

Variety of Drain Solutions,“State has an extensive and effective drain care line, especially Drain Rocket, Scram, and Sludge Hammer.”
Ernest Montelone | Facilities Manager, St. Albans Veterans Hospital