Why Should I Invest in a Commercial Air Freshener?

Friday, August 30, 2024
air care

Why Should I Invest in a Commercial Air Freshener?

When you have a bad-smelling facility, it’s obvious that you need a fragrance, deodorizer, or odor neutralizer. After all, no one is all that enticed by malodors, and you want to drum up business.

But sometimes, you don’t have an obvious stench in your facility. Sometimes, there are no weird smells with undetermined sources—sometimes, you’re running a building that smells rather like a building. Why would you invest in a fragrance without experiencing odors first?

At State Chemical, we manufacture and distribute fragrances and odor solutions. Scent is an abstract concept, so we understand it can be tricky to define your needs—and even harder to justify investing in them.

To help you learn about the importance of scent, we will explain its impact on memory, building a brand, catering to your customers, and viewing it as an investment. After reading, you’ll understand the full effect of fragrance on a space.

How Does Scent Impact Memory?

Think about autumn for a second. What comes to mind? Probably pumpkins, corn mazes, hot apple cider, scarecrows, sweaters, Halloween, etc. The yearly traditions of fall are ingrained in our minds as sights, sounds, tastes, textures, and—of course—smells.

Because of this, if you smell a pumpkin spice candle, you’ll immediately be flooded with fall memories tinted with a rosy sort of nostalgia. This applies to all scents—when one becomes associated with a particular place, person, time, or other memory, it elicits an emotional response.

You can use this science to your advantage in your business.

Pick a fragrance you like, and customers will associate it with your business. They’ll be more comfortable in a clean-smelling space, and they might be more inclined to frequent a facility that smells like vanilla and coconut than one that smells musty and old.

On the flip side, scent can also create negative connotations. Just as the coconut vanilla location may linger in your mind as a business you like, the musty-smelling facility may stick out in your mind as one you don’t like. If you avoid investing in a fragrance for your facility, you could be leading to customers associating you with bad memories—or not associating you with anything at all.

It’s also important to know your audience. Think again about the pumpkin spice candle. If you like pumpkin spice, smelling it will remind you of cozy fall memories. But if you don’t like pumpkin spice, the candle might make you wrinkle your nose and turn away.

Know your audience and choose a scent fitting for your space. If this is mishandled, you could unintentionally create the same impact as you would by allowing odors into your facility.

Customer Expectations and Fragrance

But how do you know what customers’ expectations are for fragrance? It can be difficult to get to the root of what your customers will and won’t like, and it’s impossible to plan for every single visitor’s preference.

However, based on your business, you can make general assumptions about what your customer base does and does not expect to smell from your facility.

For example, if you run a spa, visitors will probably expect a pleasant, calming scent like eucalyptus when they walk in. Meanwhile, if you run a fitness center, visitors won’t want to smell sweat, but they probably wouldn’t expect an overpowering aroma of cinnamon either.

Think about other businesses in your industry that you’ve visited. What did they smell like? How did they compare to your expectations? Would you go back? Considering these questions might help you make the best choice for your own facility.

Build a Brand Through Commercial Scenting

With commercial scenting, you have the opportunity to fulfill customers’ expectations but also to build a distinct brand personality.

To both forge positive associations and create this personality, you can choose a scent customized to your business. Just think about what might encapsulate the ambience you’re going for.

Do you want your business to come across as warm, welcoming, and comfortable? Consider a warm scent like maple, cinnamon, or vanilla.

Do you want your facility to seem clean, neat, and professional? Try a subtle, airy scent like cotton or citrus.

Do you want your space to embody modernity, luxury, and sophistication? Look into bold, distinct scents like mahogany, patchouli, or sage.

Whatever your brand image, there’s a scent for you. With some research, you can find a fragrance that embodies your ideal brand and forges positive memories in customers’ minds.

Commercial Air Fresheners are an Investment

You’re probably still wondering if commercial air fresheners are worth the cost, and that’s a valid concern. Buying a $4 aerosol air freshener each month is one thing, but investing in a $2,000 ambient scenting system for a year is completely different.

For comprehensive scenting solutions, it’s important to view commercial fragrances as an investment. Yes, they are expensive, but this expense is going toward a more positive image for your business, a more fully realized brand, and the elimination of odors you may not even notice.

It takes work, but once you have a fresh-smelling, comfortable facility, this will be an investment that yields tangible results.

Learn About How Commercial Air Fresheners Could Work for Your Facility

It can be hard to justify an investment in commercial scenting—after all, fragrances are a luxury. However, commercial fragrances are an investment in your brand and your customers’ comfort that can ultimately have a significant impact on business.

Now that you know the importance of scent, learn about ambient scenting versus odor spot treatment here.