Common Issues in Public Park Maintenance

Common  Issues in Public Park Maintenance
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
facility maintenance

Common Issues in Public Park Maintenance

The grass is turning green, trees are blossoming, plants are blooming and the sound of chirping birds returns. Spring is finally here, which means it’s time to prepare parks for the warmer months ahead. 

According to the 2019 Farmer’s Almanac, spring temperatures in the United States are anticipated to be cooler than normal in most areas, however, the Lower Lakes and Pacific Northwest regions will likely experience above average temperatures during the early spring months. Rainfall is expected to be below average for most areas, too (Old Farmer’s Almanac). 

Whether your climate stays cool and dry or is full of showers, now is the time to get your parks ready for the busy season. 

Springtime Struggles

Amidst the beauty of the warmer days comes regular maintenance and repairs. Unwanted bugs and insects return, weeds appear, sidewalks and parking lots need patched and restrooms refreshed. It goes without saying that getting parks prepared for spring and summer is no small task. 

The good news is State® has a multitude of solutions to help you get the job done. 

Bugs and Insects

Springtime marks the return of butterflies, lady bugs, bumblebees and more. But what do you do when you have unwanted insects inhabiting your buildings or nesting in areas that pose a threat to visitors? 

Traditional, close-range aerosol insecticides you can find in your local store often require multiple applications before completely destroying a wasp or hornet nest. Even if you’re lucky and eliminate the nest in one shot, you have to get uncomfortably close to take care of the issue. State’s Zero In™ WAS® Wasp and Hornet Killer has a 15 foot blast-spray reach, eliminating the problem without putting you or your staff in danger.

Damaged Surfaces

The winter months can be unforgiving on parking lots, sidewalks and other walking trails. When you need to fill potholes in your asphalt parking lot or patch holes and cracks in a slab of concrete, call your State Account Manager. With all-weather and quick-setting products like Concrete Companion® and Sta-Patch®, you can easily fix these unsightly issues and eliminate the need to completely replace the asphalt or concrete, saving time and money.


Park restrooms need regular attention when open and in use. Beyond the expected toilet cleaning, restocking of paper supplies and need for hand soap and sanitizer, the building will likely need additional maintenance throughout the spring and summer months.

Trash receptacles, whether inside your restrooms or just outside the door, tend to produce foul odors as the spring and summer progress. Gel Genie™ clinging gel deodorant is the perfect solution to this issue. Simply spray the gel on the liner or bin itself and let the product go to work. As the gel evaporates, a pleasant fragrance is released, ultimately eliminating any malodors found in and around the receptacle. 

Another often overlooked and undervalued area of restrooms is air care. Many open-air type outdoor facilities tend to have lingering malodors due to the regular exposure to warmer temperatures. State’s patented SE-500® odor-eliminating technology is designed to eliminate these odors completely, not just mask them. This technology is found in a multitude of State’s solutions, including the Fragrance Burst™ and Fragrance Factory®, making these systems excellent odor-eliminating and fragrancing options for restrooms. 

Even more discreet than these systems are State’s Magic Clips, which can be attached to the inside of a toilet bowl, a restroom partition, A/C vents and more. These fragrant clips can freshen a space for up to 30 days.

In addition to air care, State’s line of ultra-low splash urinal Magic Mats™ come in a variety of scents and protect your drain lines from cigarette butts, gum and other foreign objects.

Why Should I Purchase Products from State®?

State Industrial Products has been in business for more than a century and supplying grounds care products for decades. 

Aside from the obvious fact that our products work, State is committed to providing excellent service. All systems and programs are serviced monthly by local account managers, so you can spend more time doing the things at the top of your to-do list.

Want to Know More About State’s Parks and Recreation Solutions?

Let us help you get, and keep, your property in great shape. Call (877) 747-6986 to be put in contact with your local account manager.


Old Farmer's Almanac. (n.d.). 2019 Spring Weather Forecast. Retrieved April 1, 2019, from