Drain Fly Prevention

Drain Fly Prevention
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
drain care

Drain Fly Prevention

Drain flies are one of the most annoying, unsightly and unsanitary issues a facility can have. They are commonly found in sink and floor drains where organic matter builds up. This organic matter gives off an odor that attracts these pesky flies and serves as their breeding ground. According to Theuret & Gerry, drain flies have the potential to carry pathogens after developing in decaying organic matter. Their research found that this poses a threat to buildings where sterility is important, such as healthcare facilities and food preparation areas. The key to eliminating drain flies is to maintain the food preparation areas, grease traps, mop drying tubs and evaporation pans that commonly serve as their breeding grounds. State offers a variety of drain care solutions that will prevent drain flies in several different applications. 


State’s 24/7™ Drain Care Program keeps your facility operating efficiently and effectively with monthly grease trap and drain line service. The 24/7 Feed Pump has a built-in timer for consistent chemical application. Avance™ Bacterial Drain Maintainer clears fats, oils and grease (FOG) from slow and clogged drains. Our patient SE-500™ odor suppressor was added to eliminate malodors at a molecular level. Regular use of Avance Bacterial Drain Maintainer with State’s 24/7 Feed Pump will prevent the back-ups, clogs and malodors that allow drain flies to grow and flourish.  

Grease-B-Gone® Select prevents drains from backing up and overflowing. This liquid drain care program calls for one gallon of product every three months. Product should be fed into the drain line to eliminate the residual FOG buildup that creates odors and attracts drain flies. The neutral citrus and soy-based solvents dissolve accumulations of grease quickly and are safe to use, as they are non-acidic, non-caustic and non-corrosive. Pair Grease-B-Gone Select with Avance Bacterial Drain Maintainer and State’s 24/7 Feed Pump for a complete drain care solution. 


State also offers a variety of ready-to-use drain care solutions for the other drains in your building. Drain Chaser™, an easy-to-use bacterial disc, eliminates the slime associated with drain flies. These discs are safe to use in all beverage trays and beer tap grates to keep lines clean. Foaming Devour™ is a bacteria-based drain maintainer that is harmless to plumbing and disposals. Its unique formula contains citrus oil and utilizes foaming technology to expand, covering all walls of the drain and breaking down the organic buildup that drain flies commonly breed in. 


If you would like a quote on our drain care solutions to eliminate the drain fly issues in your facility, call 866-727-5477 to be put in touch with your local representative. 


Theuret, D., & Gerry, A. (2014). Moth or Drain Flies. Pest Notes Publication 74167, 1-3. Retrieved May 21, 2019, from http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PESTNOTES/pnmothflies.pdf