What is a Cold Air Diffuser?

Wednesday, September 18, 2024
air care

What is a Cold Air Diffuser?

When you’re investing in a scent diffuser for your facility, above all else, you want to know that it’ll be effective. If you work outside the air care industry, you likely aren’t familiar with many terms, including “cold air diffusion,” so what does it really mean for your buying decision?

At State Chemical, we manufacture and distribute chemical solutions, including cold air diffusion systems. We know it’s difficult to find open information about technical processes like cold air diffusion, and this can make it difficult when you’re trying to find a solution to your problem.

To help you determine the air care solution your facility needs, we will explain what cold air diffusion is, how it works, and where it’s best used. After reading, you’ll know whether cold air diffusion is right for you.

What is Cold Air Diffusion?

Cold air diffusion is a method of air care that diffuses fragrance as a cold, dry vapor. Used in an automated system, it consistently dispenses fragrance throughout a space without leaving residue or declining in potency.

Some fragrance systems use a wet mist instead of a cold vapor, and this wet mist tends to sink to the ground faster, leading to less comprehensive fragrancing and potential slipping hazards. Meanwhile, dry vapor lingers in the air longer and does not cause slipping hazards when functioning properly.

How Does a Cold Air Diffuser Work?

Cold air diffuser systems usually hold canisters of liquid fragrance inside, which are regularly swapped out when the liquid fragrance is used up (often after 30–60 days). Typically, the system uses tubing to pull out the liquid fragrance and diffuse it into dry vapor throughout your space. The machine can either release the fragrance into the air through an opening in the system, or it can connect to your air handling unit (AHU) and dispense fragrance throughout the building.

Automated Scent Diffusers

Automated scent diffusers are computerized systems, meaning that they are programmed to regularly release a fragrance on a certain schedule. Depending on the exact system you purchase, this schedule can be customizable.

For example, many users will choose to have their system dispense fragrance for 12 hours per day on weekdays so that it smells nice while people are in the building. Meanwhile, a facility with longer hours will often program their system to run 24 hours a day.

Depending on the system you choose, this schedule will be largely customizable and can work with your needs.

Where Should I Use a Cold Air Diffuser?

You can use cold air diffusion in virtually any space, but the effects will be most useful and most noticeable in larger areas.

Because dry vapor lingers in the air longer than other types of mist, it remains consistent in a space and maintains better coverage. Other methods can also fragrance large spaces, but since consistency is hard to achieve, you’ll notice it more with cold air diffusion.

Just think about a large room like a school gymnasium. Over the years, it has likely taken on an odor of sweat and mustiness. With a cold air diffuser, this odor would consistently be treated throughout the room, and the odors would no longer be noticeable.

Meanwhile, with a system that uses a wet mist, more strategic placement of the system would be necessary for full coverage—and there would still be scenting inconsistencies. Plus, the wet mist would create potential for liquid gathering on the gym floor, which could be damaging and create a slipping hazard.

This said, cold air diffusion can also be used in small spaces, like one-stall bathrooms. You’ll just need to ensure you’re selecting a system with the right sizing capabilities—for example, a cold air diffuser capable of scenting an entire building would be far too powerful in an elevator, and the diffuser intended for an elevator would be too weak to fragrance an entire building.

For very small spaces, cold air diffusion’s consistency advantage won’t necessarily be as noticeable, so wet mists are also an effective option. However, dry vapor will still prevent slipping hazards and messy residue.

Learn About State Chemical’s Cold Air Diffusion Systems

Before investing in a scent diffuser, you want to know that it’ll be effective and to your preferences. Now that you know how cold air diffusion works, learn more about what scenting solution you need by exploring State Chemical’s cold air diffusion systems in the video below.