Scent Diffusers: Everything You Need to Know

Sunday, August 4, 2024
air care

Scent Diffusers: Everything You Need to Know

Picture this: you’re the property manager for an apartment complex. Every day, you meet prospective renters at the clubhouse for a facility tour. But very rarely do prospective renters apply for units.

Of course, this is a part of sales, but you have six vacant units with three more about to open up. You’re scrambling for ways to make your facility more appealing to prospective customers, and that’s when you learn about ambient scenting.

At State Chemical, we manufacture, distribute, and service air fragrance systems and ready-to-use air care products. We know that you want to make the best impression on all visitors to your facility, so we’ll explain how and when ambient scenting can help you do that.

After reading this article, you’ll know what ambient scenting looks like and whether or not it’s right for your facility.

What is Ambient Scenting?

Ambient scenting is the method of fragrancing your facility through automated systems. These computerized systems release a fragrance throughout a larger portion of your facility, which can range from a single room to an entire building.

Think of fragrance systems like essential oil diffusers on a larger scale. Like home remedies, ambient scenting adds a pleasant personality to your facility, ultimately leading to a more welcoming space and positive customer associations.

Consider Your Fragrance System Goals

When considering ambient scenting, you must first evaluate your fragrance system goals.

Do you want to develop a brand scent personality? Maybe you want something subtle to give your space a clean feel. Or maybe you’re interested in something bold and unique. Perhaps you want a scent that’s warm and comfortable. By considering these questions, you can choose a fragrance that leaves a positive lasting impression on your customers.

Or do you want to control odors? Maybe you have a specific problem area, like a trash can that permeates the whole room or drapes clinging to smoke odors. Maybe you don’t even want a fragrance but instead to eliminate malodors from a space.

It’s important to recognize what your scent goals are because they’ll lead you to different solutions.

If you want to add a scent to your space, ambient scenting is a good way to do so consistently and comprehensively. Similarly, ambient scenting is an option for you to eliminate odors from a larger space.

However, if you’re dealing with odors specific to particular objects or areas, you may benefit from exploring spot treatment rather than ambient scenting. This solution can treat those areas more effectively and less expensively.

Your Individual Space Determines Your Best Air Scenting System

You should also consider the logistics of your specific space when choosing a fragrance system. The most important factors are as follows:

The Size of Your Space

For different application space sizes, you’ll need different systems. A diffuser for a 2000 ft³ meeting room is not nearly strong enough to fragrance a 20,000 ft³ conference space. Read the product details of your intended fragrance system and compare its capabilities to the size of your space.

Smaller systems may be hooked on the wall, while larger units may be situated on the floor or in HVAC units. Placement varies by product, but there are options to fit every preference.

The Layout of Your Space

Another important consideration is how your space is laid out. The room shape will change how the fragrance is dispersed and will also determine where your fragrance system would be best placed.

For example, in a rectangular room, try to place your system near the center of the room to diffuse the fragrance evenly throughout.

However, you’ll need to take a different approach for an L-shaped room. To account for the odd shape, you’ll want to put the system near a central location where most people will congregate (this should not be by the entryway, air intake vents, or a dining area, as the fragrance will get swept away here). This way, it will be the most noticeable where the space is most used.

Your Industry and Customer Expectations

Similarly, know your industry and what your customers expect and want.

Gym-goers probably don’t want to lift weights when all they can focus on is the intense fragrance of fruit punch giving them a headache. Hotel guests probably don’t feel remarkably comfortable in a room with no fragrance whatsoever. Cafe visitors probably don’t care for the scent of mahogany in lieu of coffee and pastries.

Instead, use odor elimination and subtle scenting in your gym. Put clean, refreshing scents in your hotel. Utilize spot treatment in your cafe. Build a fragrance personality that makes sense for your brand, and customers will be more comfortable for it.

Ambient Scenting Time Cycles

Another consideration with ambient scenting is timing. Fragrance systems may be things you leave on and forget about, but you have more options for your budget and personal preferences.

Some businesses like to have their fragrance systems running on a 24-hour cycle. Especially for businesses open for most of the day or with varied hours, it makes sense to have a fragrance this consistent.

However, depending on what diffuser you buy, your options are more varied. For example, State Chemical’s fragrance systems can be customized to run only at certain hours—usually 12 hours a day.

So, let’s say your business is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. You can choose to run your fragrance system from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. This way, the fragrance is consistent before customers arrive and keeps running until all employees leave for the day.

Depending on the system, this customizability will vary, but it’s a useful option for saving product (which also saves money).

Fragrance Allergies and Sensitivities

If users of your facility have fragrance allergies and sensitivities, you also have options.

Fragrance systems often have allergy-friendly and sensitivity-friendly options. This means that they will release a subtle, allergen-free fragrance or purely a fragrance-free odor eliminator, like State Chemical’s SE-500.

This way, you can consistently treat your facility’s odors without causing asthma flare-ups, headaches, or eye irritation.

Ambient Scenting Cost and Your Budget

Before purchasing ambient scenting, it’s important to recognize that it’s an investment.

For a system to fragrance a smaller space, you might be able to pay between $50 and $800. Meanwhile, for larger rooms, your system might cost $600–$3,500. While varied options and programs exist, fragrance systems are not for tight budgets.

At the same time, fragrance systems are an investment in your facility’s overall impression on customers. However, if you’re more interested in odor control or other less expensive options, exploring ready-to-use air care products is another option.

Learn About the State Fragrance Cube 2-6

Consistent fragrance helps your facility to build a brand and appeal to customers. Now that you know how ambient scenting could look for your business, continue exploring fragrance systems by reading about the State Fragrance Cube 2-6.