Odor Eliminator vs. Commercial Air Freshener: Which Do You Need?

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
odor controlair care

Odor Eliminator vs. Commercial Air Freshener: Which Do You Need?

A pleasant fragrance can brighten any facility just as easily as an odor can darken matters. However, adding a nice aroma to a hotel lobby is different work than deodorizing room 216 from the non-potty-trained dog that stayed there last week. Most spaces will have odors, even if they’re minor, so how do you know whether you need a fragrance or full-on malodor control?

At State Chemical, we manufacture and distribute chemical solutions for various problems, including scenting inconsistencies and odors. When you’re looking for a product for your specific situation, it’s easy to get lost in potential solutions without ever actually finding the right solution.

To help you determine the best solution for your facility, we’re going to explain when to use fragrancing as compared to odor control and possible methods for each. After reading, you’ll know which method will best suit your facility.

When to Use Odor Control in Your Facility

An odor control approach should be used in your facility whenever odors are present. This can mean major odors, like garbage in a trash room, or even minor odors, like occasional food smells when someone uses the microwave.

For consistent malodors, odor control is more pressing, but you should also use some method of odor control for inconsistent odors.

Think about a pet store. With the constant coming and going of animals, there will be kibble, animal dander, and pet waste floating around, and this location will never have a reprieve from odors. The source is consistent, so the odors will continue building as long as the store is open.

Now, think about a public restroom. Depending on when it’s used, the odor can vary significantly. Sometimes, you might be dealing with an awful-smelling space. Other times, you might not even think about it. This is a case where odor elimination can benefit you just as much as the consistently odorous pet store.

What varies is the type of odor control you’ll invest in.

Commercial Odor Control Methods

For severe, constant odors, you’ll want a powerful and consistent solution. Your trash room isn’t going to stop smelling—nor is your fitness center, your school cafeteria, or your wastewater treatment plant. With an automated scent diffuser, you can achieve consistent odor elimination that works without any necessary intervention on your part.

Automated scent diffusers are usually wall-mounted, situated on a flat surface, or connected to the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. They consistently diffuse a concentrated scent into a room, working to both eliminate odors and fragrance a space.

If you’re in a situation with more infrequent odors or with odors rooted in a specific spot (e.g., a trash can or a couch), you should use odor spot treatment. With spot treatment, you can use a handheld product like a spray to eliminate odors from a particular area. So, if your lobby’s furniture smells like body odor, use a fabric refresher to eliminate odors at the source and improve the scent of the whole room.

Anywhere that has organic matter has odors, and odor elimination technology is effective for these regardless of how faint or strong their severity.

When to Use Fragrancing in Your Facility

Fragrance should be added to your facility whenever you feel it’s warranted. You don’t need a reason for fragrance the way you do with odor elimination—if you’d like a fragrance, use one.

It is important to know your audience, however. If you’re running a hotel, event center, or hair salon, a fragrance is likely expected and welcome. But if your facility is a fitness center or hospital, any fragrance more than subtle is jarring and even unpleasant.

Find a fragrance that’s fitting for your facility. If you’re running the hair salon, maybe you want a eucalyptus lavender scent to help guests relax—this is something calming that customers would likely expect.

Meanwhile, if you’re managing the hospital, maybe you choose a soft linen scent for the waiting room—this is light enough to be almost undetectable, helping guests perceive the space as clean rather than as an olfactory nightmare.

Scent is a powerful trigger of memory, so when you use it in your business, you enable yourself to forge positive connections in customers’ minds and establish your brand personality.

Additionally, when odors are mild or inconsistent, you can use a masking fragrance instead of an odor eliminator in many cases. For moderate-to-severe odors, this is ineffective since the fragrance will mask them rather than neutralize them at the source. However, this will likely work well enough when you have a mild odor.

Commercial Fragrance Methods

Depending on your situation, you have different options to fragrance your space.

For occasional fragrancing that you manage yourself, you can use a handheld air freshener or another ready-to-use product. This way, you can add fragrance when you think it’s needed. For locations like one-stall bathrooms or other small spaces, this can be ideal for not wasting product.

However, you can use an automated scent diffuser for a more consistent fragrance solution. It can be programmed to release fragrance at your preference, keeping your facility consistently fresh.

It’s important to remember that odor elimination and commercial fragrance are not mutually exclusive. Much of the time, they’ll be used together—especially in odor elimination.

However, if you prefer one or the other based on these reasons, look at your intended product’s label to confirm whether it’s an odor eliminator, an air freshener, or both. Usually, products that contain an odor-eliminating ingredient will claim it on the label.

Fragrance and Odor Elimination are Best Used Together

In most cases, the best solution is to use a product that eliminates odors while also adding a fragrance. With this, you can combine odor elimination with brand scenting to keep your facility clean-smelling and odor-free.

As previously established, there are some situations where you really don’t experience odors—and pure fragrance is a good solution here. Similarly, there are situations where you don’t want to introduce a fragrance and would rather focus only on odor elimination. In these instances, combining odor elimination with fragrance just doesn’t make sense.

But in most cases, you will have some odors, and you will benefit from using fragrance. An odor doesn’t have to be extreme to warrant odor control, and a facility doesn’t have to be high-end to use fragrance as brand building. Use the right combination for you, and your facility will be better for it.

Learn About State Chemical Air Care Agreements

When you fall somewhere between a need for serious malodor control and a desire for an aesthetic fragrance, it can be difficult to figure out what’s right for you. Now that you know how odor control and fragrance can benefit facilities individually and together, learn about State Chemical air care agreements in the video below.