How to Eliminate Dumpster Odor

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
odor control

How to Eliminate Dumpster Odor

When you picture a dumpster, one of the first things you’ll probably think about is a pungent odor. Trash doesn’t have a reputation for smelling pleasant, which can create a serious headache when your facility has to deal with such odors.

At State Chemical, we manufacture and distribute chemical solutions for a multitude of problems, including dumpster odors. It can be easy to write off trash odors as unsolvable, but there are ways to manage your dumpster odors to improve facility cleanliness.

To help you eliminate your dumpster odors, we will explain why dumpsters smell as well as spot treatment, industrial deodorization systems, and the overall impact of odor control on your facility. After reading, you’ll know how to treat your dumpster odors for the best long-term results.

Why Do Dumpsters Smell?

Trash usually consists of discarded food, packaging, and other organics. When all of this is left to stew in a hot, enclosed box, it’s going to rot, and this is going to smell.

Over time, these odors cling to the dumpster through residue. This residue is the root of the odors, but the stench is often so pungent that it may linger even if you rinse out the dumpster. This is where dumpster odors are born and where they thrive.

Obviously, this can cause problems for your facility. If your dumpster is located anywhere guests might come into contact with it, you don’t want them gagging and holding their breath. Similarly, you don’t want your employees to be miserable every time they take out the trash. Odors affect the comfort of those who encounter them, so they must be managed carefully.

Spot Treatment for Dumpster Odor Control

To directly treat your dumpster’s odors at the root, use spot treatment for odor control. For dumpsters, spot treatment will usually mean using an odor-eliminating spray, a deodorizing gel, or another handheld product to get rid of odors from the dumpster’s surface.

Products that contain odor eliminators neutralize malodors on surfaces and in the air. This means that where your nose once would have perceived an odor, it will now smell nothing—unless a fragrance is added, where your nose will instead only pick up the pleasant scent. For dumpsters, an odor-eliminating product is a necessity. You can’t fight malodors with pure fragrance—you need something more.

Imagine that you manage a steakhouse with a wraparound parking lot. Unfortunately, because of this setup, customers who park near the back are forced to walk past the putrid-smelling dumpster. This doesn’t bode well for appetites nor their opinions of your facility, so you decide to invest in treatment.

If you spray it down with a fruit punch fragrance containing no odor eliminators, it might smell more disgusting than it did to start—rotting meat with an after scent of sickeningly sweet cherry isn’t exactly appealing. Meanwhile, if you spray it with a lemon-scented deodorizer that does contain an odor eliminator, guests will only smell lemon when walking past—not a malodor conglomeration.

Know your facility and its needs. Spot treatment can be beneficial for treating dumpster odors at their source, but to handle more severe and widespread odors, consider industrial deodorization systems.

Industrial Deodorization Systems for Dumpster Odor Control

Industrial deodorization systems are ambient scenting solutions for industrial settings. They are automated diffusers that will release an odor-eliminating fragrance around your dumpster as frequently as programmed. Regardless of your business type, dumpster odors usually fall into the industrial category.

An industrial deodorization system will form an odor-eliminating wall around your dumpster, stopping the odor from escaping into nearby areas and replacing the odors with a pleasant scent. This is perfect for severe dumpster odors that are negatively affecting your facility.

Suppose that you run a doggy daycare. Every day, your dumpster is filled with fur, vomit, fecal matter, spoiled food, and more. Needless to say, your dumpster consistently smells wretched, and people aren’t returning to your facility because of how the odor creeps through the whole parking lot.

This is a situation where an industrial deodorization system could benefit you. By setting it up around the dumpster, guests won’t notice any malodors nor will they come into contact with them. Instead, this system allows your facility to present itself as cleaner and more professional.

Additionally, in these severe odor situations, you can combine an industrial deodorization system with spot treatment. This will treat the odor directly at the source while also combatting it in the air. For serious malodors in your dumpster, this is the most comprehensive solution.

However, it is important to note that many industrial deodorization systems can cause your dumpster to rust. Before purchasing a system, be aware of the risk of rust and be prepared to place your system strategically.

Cleaner Dumpsters and More Satisfied Guests

Once you treat your dumpster odors, your entire facility will present itself as cleaner and more professional. Odors are a dealbreaker for many customers, even if they don’t consciously realize it. Treating odors is a way of investing in your brand image.

Just think about a business you had a bad experience with—a place you walked into and immediately felt was unhygienic. Did odors play a part? Bad service, poor quality products, and long wait times can all worsen your view of a facility, but bad odors are just as likely to stick out in your mind and prevent you from returning.

Meanwhile, if a facility smells and looks clean, visitors will likely view it as clean, and people are more interested in frequenting clean places. Any odor can taint your image to customers, so given the potency of dumpster odors, you’ll make a significant difference by treating them.

Overall, after starting treatment, you’ll see the difference in higher guest satisfaction and retention.

Learn How State Chemical Can Help You Deodorize Your Dumpsters

Dumpsters aren’t exactly known for their pleasant aromas, and you need your facility to smell nice in order to be perceived as clean. Now that you know different methods to treat dumpster odors, watch the video below to learn how State Chemical can help you deodorize your dumpsters.