How Does SE-500 Work in Air Care?

Friday, July 12, 2024
air care

How Does SE-500 Work in Air Care?

Suppose you’re the manager of a hotel. Lately, your facility has been experiencing severe malodors that emanate from the trash room. Some days, the odors have been so extreme that they can be recognized from the lobby. So, you invest in air fresheners—and a lot of them. You have diffusers running in every room and hall, and you’re spraying aerosols every few hours.

But now, guests are complaining of headaches from the heavy fragrance—and some are still reporting malodors in the hallways. You can’t get rid of the trash, and you don’t know how to cover up the odors without a fragrance. What do you do?

State Chemical has manufactured and distributed chemical solutions since 1911, including products with our odor-neutralizing ingredient SE-500. We know that fragrance isn’t always enough to solve an odor problem, so it’s our goal to give you honest information about your options.

To stay true to this goal, we will explain what SE-500 is, how it works, when it’s best used, what products it’s available in, and how it measures against other methods of controlling odors. After reading, you’ll know whether a product with SE-500 is right for you.

What is SE-500?

SE-500 is an odor-neutralizing ingredient present in the majority of State Chemical air care and odor-eliminating products and systems, such as the State Fragrance Cube and Trade Winds.

It differentiates itself from the ingredients in an air freshener by neutralizing malodors. Instead of masking foul odors with pleasant fragrances, as described in the previous example, SE-500 actually fights malodors once applied.

How Does SE-500 Work?

So, how does this work?

SE-500 is a pairing agent, also known as a binding agent. This means that it binds to the malodor molecules and changes their structure so that our noses no longer recognize the odor.

Think of it like A + B = C. A is the malodor, B is SE-500, and C is the distinct, unrecognizable result of the pairing.

You and your facility can use this chemical reaction to eliminate malodors in the air and on specific surfaces. Simply apply the product according to the label instructions, and the product’s SE-500 will start pairing with all malodor molecules it comes into contact with.

When Should I Use SE-500?

SE-500 combats food odors, cigarette smoke, body odors, trash odors, and more. It’s specifically targeted toward sulfur-containing compounds and nitrogen-containing compounds, so it will fight the majority of foul odors.

For more severe malodors, we recommend using a product that contains both SE-500 and a fragrance. Most of our air care products contain both, but for very severe odors (e.g., trash room odors), you’ll want to ensure that you choose a product with a fragrance—not just odor elimination.

A fragrance will help to mask any remaining malodors. When you have a severe scent, you may not be able to use enough SE-500 at once to fully eliminate the odor—at least not in a cost-effective manner.

In this same vein, you won’t want to use SE-500 in situations where it’s just not cost-effective. SE-500 will effectively eliminate malodors in almost any application, but if, for example, you’re looking to treat the outdoor areas at a wastewater plant, it’ll be very difficult to use enough product at once.

Otherwise, when dealing with indoor and/or institutional odors, SE-500 is appropriate for all kinds of odor elimination needs. Fragrance is important, but when you have the option to eliminate odors at the same time, why wouldn’t you?

What Products Contain SE-500?

So, which State Chemical products actually use SE-500?

First and foremost, all of our air care products contain SE-500 or another odor eliminator. This includes the State Fragrance Cube, Fragrance Factory, Odor BeadersState Fabric and Textile Refresher, and more.

SE-500 can also be found in many of our other product lines, such as drain care and floor care. Odor elimination is important to many application zones, so we utilize it in many of these other application zones.

How Does SE-500 Compare to Odor Masking Products?

But when it comes down to it, you’re probably wondering why you specifically need SE-500. After all, what’s the difference between it and an odor masking product?

Well, when you get an odor masker, it uses fragrance to cover up the smell of an odor.

Meanwhile, SE-500 is an odor eliminator. This means it neutralizes the odor so that your nose no longer picks it up.

Odor maskers are useful in the sense that they cover a negative scent with a positive one, but they’re all in all less effective at getting to the root of a problem. In contrast, SE-500 gets rid of the malodors at the root so that your facility doesn’t have to deal with them to any capacity.

However, the best solution to bad odors is to use SE-500 in tandem with an odor masker. This way, the foul odor can be eliminated and replaced with a pleasant one that gives the facility more positive connotations for staff and customers alike.

Contact State Chemical

No one wants to be in a foul-smelling facility—it’s not only uncomfortable, but it becomes associated with bad memories. SE-500 is an ingredient that could take away these problems for your facility. If you want to explore how SE-500 could be applied to your facility’s odor problems, contact State Chemical below to schedule a site survey.