Commercial Fragrance Concerns & Solutions

Thursday, August 22, 2024
air care

Commercial Fragrance Concerns & Solutions

You don’t want your facility to smell unpleasant, but you also don’t want to trigger allergies, spend an exorbitant amount of money, or invest in a fragrance too weak or too strong. When you have different people cycling in and out of your facility every day, you want to ensure you’re making the right choice for everyone.

At State Chemical, we manufacture and distribute chemical solutions, including for air care. We acknowledge that a lot of coinciding concerns come with air care, so we want to help you understand your options to resolve these issues.

In this article, we’ll be explaining common concerns with air care and potential solutions to these concerns. After reading, you’ll know what fragrance option is right for your facility.

Concern: Air Care Isn’t Worth the Price

A common concern when it comes to air care is the price. Because when it comes down to it, air care is a luxury, not a necessity.

If your facility has an unpleasant odor, of course you would ideally invest in a solution. But would you choose a fragrance system on a yearlong agreement? Well, you may not have a choice.

Solution: Buy Handheld Products or Invest in a Flexible Program Agreement

The good news is that with air care, there are more options available than just fragrance systems, which means more price variability.

Depending on your issue, you can use aerosols, gels, sprays, solids, and more. With ready-to-use, self-managed products, you can usually find more affordable options than you would with large systems.

For example, if you put State Chemical’s odor-eliminating product Trade Winds in an average two-stall bathroom, you’d probably use about one can over a month. Therefore, your monthly cost would be right around $15.

Meanwhile, putting State Chemical’s Fragrance Cube 2-6 in this same two-stall bathroom would cost you $20–$40 per month. The handheld can would be a less consistent solution, but if price is a concern, handheld choices can benefit you significantly.

If you’re really set on a fragrance system, however, you also have options. Fragrance systems often come on different program agreements and different settings. If you customize the program and settings, you can program the system to use less product, saving money.

All this said, air care can be a costly investment, and we understand it’s still not for everyone. If you can make it work for your budget, air care can be beneficial toward eliminating bad odors in your facility and adding a brand scent. If you can’t make it work for your budget or are otherwise uninterested, it’s okay to focus your attention on other areas.

Concern: The Prevalence of Fragrance Allergies and Sensitivities

Another common concern with fragrances is the proliferation of fragrance allergies and sensitivities. You may have employees or customers with sensitivities, and the last thing you want is to introduce a fragrance that triggers asthma, eye irritation, skin irritation, or other undesirable symptoms.

Fragrance allergies can even affect animals, so if you’re running an animal-friendly facility, like a veterinary office, you’ll need to be wary of this too.

Some may be inclined to avoid scenting solutions altogether. However, there are other fragrance and odor control options.

Solution: Look for Products that Say “Fragrance-Free,” “Allergen-Free,” or “No Known Allergens”

Finding a safe solution will necessitate a bit more precaution, but the right product shouldn’t trigger allergic reactions. To find a product safe for your facility users, look for labels that read “fragrance-free,” “allergen-free,” or “no known allergens.” Products with these designations are not expected to cause allergic reactions.

It’s true that there are less sensitivity-friendly products available as compared to non-sensitivity-friendly ones, but they’re still easy to find when you do the research. Find an allergy-friendly odor eliminator, and you’ll be able to treat odors while reducing risk to staff or customers.

Concern: What If My Fragrance is Too Strong or Too Weak?

When purchasing an air care product, you may also fear buying a fragrance that’s too strong or too weak for your needs. After all, smelling it once is one thing, but how do you know how it’ll actually function in your facility? If you’re buying it online, how do you know what it’ll be like at all?

You don’t always know until it’s in your facility, and by that point, you’ve already paid for the product.

Solution: Fragrance Systems are Customizable

One benefit to this situation with fragrance systems is that you can easily customize them to fit your needs. If you don’t like a scent, you can work with the company to find other options. If your agreement offers service, you can also have a representative come by in advance to formulate a plan based on what you do and don’t like. If there are any issues afterward, you can make adjustments as needed.

This won’t work in all situations, especially if your agreement doesn’t include service. But with the right company, a fragrance system agreement will be very customizable, and your choices can be adjusted after the fact when necessary.

Concern: What If My Scent Diffuser Breaks?

Breakage is a common concern when you’re using a fragrance system in a part of your facility where visitors can access it. And the truth is that accidents happen.

If you use a fragrance system that sits on the floor, it could be accidentally kicked over, creating a hazard when the liquid fragrance leaks out. Similarly, a visible fragrance system could easily be vandalized or stolen, and then you’ll be left scrambling for a new system that could end up with the same fate.

And then, as with any machine, there’s the possibility of a malfunction, and if the liquid fragrance seeps out, it could damage walls, floors, or nearby electronic devices. Plus, it could create a slipping hazard.

When you’re investing in expensive machinery, none of these outcomes are all that desirable.

Solution: Strategically Place the Scent Diffuser

While you cannot completely rule out accidents, there are things you can do to prevent damage to your scent diffuser. For one, strategically placing it will help significantly.

Worried about someone accidentally knocking it over? Put your fragrance diffuser against the wall, behind the front desk, or mount it on a shelf where it cannot be mistakenly knocked down.

Concerned about vandalism or stealing? Put your fragrance diffuser in a place where it’s least likely to be noticed, such as above a doorframe, behind the counter, or in a backroom. Thinking about areas where it will be inaccessible to guests may also help.

Finally, if you’re worried about system malfunctions, be sure to place the system away from all electronics and easily damaged surfaces. Then, keep a frequent eye on it, and if you notice anything working improperly, call the manufacturer for instructions and potential repairs or replacements. Malfunctions are rare, but if you’re aware in advance, you’ll be well prepared.

Overall, you can’t avoid the possibility of accidents, but if you plan ahead, your system will be safer for it. If you still aren’t sure about fragrance systems for these reasons, you can also always use a handheld device for increased security.

Learn About State Chemical Fragrance Systems

No one wants to work in or visit a foul-smelling facility, but sometimes, concerns about problems like high prices and allergic reactions can still stop facilities from investing in air care. Now that you know some potential solutions to common concerns about air care, consider learning more about State Chemical’s fragrance systems.