Cold Air Diffuser vs. Metered Aerosol

Wednesday, August 7, 2024
air care

Cold Air Diffuser vs. Metered Aerosol

What is cold air diffusion? What is a metered aerosol? How do these systems fragrance a facility? How do you know which option will work best for you?

At State Chemical, we sell cold air diffusion systems, like the Fragrance Cube 2-6, and a metered aerosol system, the Fragrance Burst. We know it can be confusing to know the real difference between these technologies, so it’s our goal to provide you with accurate information to help you make the right purchase.

In this article, we’ll be explaining how each kind of system works and which is best for different situations. After reading, you’ll know what kind of fragrance system your facility needs.

What is Cold Air Diffusion?

Cold air diffusers are fragrance systems that turn liquid fragrance into cold, dry vapor, adding an aroma to the room. They vary in size, working in smaller spaces, such as restrooms, as well as very large spaces, like entire buildings.

These systems are computer-programmed to automatically release scents on a set schedule, which is usually customizable depending on the specific system.

What are Metered Aerosols?

Metered aerosols are automated dispensing systems that spray a fragrance on a metered basis (e.g., once every fifteen minutes). Metered aerosols usually release fragrance in a dry mist. However, there are also metered aerosols that spray a wet mist.

Generally, the intervals at which the metered aerosols spray are pre-set, but there may be cases in which you can adjust the frequency.

Cold Air Diffusion Maintains a Consistent Fragrance

When your fragrance system utilizes cold air diffusion, it maintains the same fragrance concentration throughout the entire period before it needs fragrance refills. Let’s say you refill the fragrance every 30 days. Throughout the entirety of those 30 days, the fragrance will remain consistent rather than varying in potency.

This is because it diffuses the same concentration of scent until the liquid cannister of fragrance needs to be replaced. As long as it isn’t empty, it diffuses consistent scent.

The only time that the fragrance will fade is if the system is scheduled to turn off. Otherwise, cold air diffusers ensure the fragrance is kept at the same consistent rate rather than allowing for dips and declines as the system ages.

Metered Aerosols Have Sporadic Scent Trends

Meanwhile, metered aerosols are more sporadic, so there are times when the fragrance is much stronger than at other times.

Because metered aerosols only spray intermittently, the time between sprays leaves a large margin for scent decline. Suppose that your metered aerosol sprays a flowery scent every 10 minutes. At minute zero, the space will have a strong, palpable floral fragrance. But at minute nine, the fragrance will be hard to pick up—if you can at all. This, of course, resets after minute 10, but it can be a downside for there to be inconsistencies throughout the day.

Cold Air Diffusion Leaves No Residue

Additionally, when you use cold air diffusion, there will be no residue. Since cold air diffusers emit dry vapor, sticky liquid does not pool beneath the system.

If your metered aerosol emits wet mist, you will get this sticky residue, which can be frustrating and unpleasant to clean.

It is important to note that not all metered aerosols use wet mist. Some metered aerosols use a dry spray, so pay attention to what you’re purchasing before making any sudden decisions.

Metered Aerosols are Good for Smaller Spaces

Generally, metered aerosols are best used in spaces up to 4,000 cubic feet. In these locations, they’re able to disperse fragrance evenly throughout the space, and since the spaces aren’t large, you may be able to avoid any obvious scent decline between sprays.

However, metered aerosols aren’t capable of scenting multiple rooms at once. For larger spaces and multiple rooms, cold air diffusers hooked up to the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) will be able to fragrance more consistently and effectively.

If you only want to fragrance a specific room or area, a metered aerosol could be the right product for you.

Cold Air Diffusion Lingers Longer and Has More Size Flexibility

Because cold air diffusion is dispensed consistently in a dry spray, it lingers in the air longer rather than sinking to the ground like a wet mist would. This is a bonus in any space but especially in large areas where consistent fragrancing may be harder to achieve.

In addition to lingering in the air longer, cold air diffusion successfully provides greater coverage of a space. This means that the fragrance fills the area more effectively than it would from a metered aerosol. In this way, it’s less about the size of your space and more about coverage capabilities—cold air diffusion is just more noticeably effective in larger spaces.

Additionally, cold air diffusion is more adaptable; cold air diffusers exist that can accommodate spaces of a wide range of sizes. For example, rather than buying five metered aerosols to fragrance a 20,000-cubic-foot area, you could invest in a single cold air diffusion system intended for spaces of that size.

Generally, cold air diffusers are just more customizable than metered aerosols. But if you don’t have a need for this customization, metered aerosols will be effective for you too.

Learn About the State Fragrance Cube 2-6

It’s not always easy to determine your facility’s fragrance needs. Now that you know how cold air diffusion and metered aerosols work, learn more about cold air diffusion by reading up on the State Fragrance Cube 2-6.